FABULOUS money habits in 21 days 

 Create new money habits + get in control

You can't keep on doing money the same way you've always done it and expect a different result.

Change is required. 

The problem is, change is hard and no one teaches us what to do, especially when it comes to money!

We learn our money habits and beliefs by watching the people around us, but they don't always have it right themselves. This is why family lines experience repeating money patterns that aren't always the best.

It's time to create new money habits that will serve you better!

Doing it together in a closed group ensures we have the added benefit of each other's energy and encouragement to ride on. 


By the end of this program,

you will have…


 >> Synchronicities

When you're in alignment with abundance, your life experience changes. You meet the right people at the right time, in the right way to get that promotion or score that new client. Ideas start flowing and opportunities can't help but start lining up for you! 

>> Financial Confidence

You'll feel better about money because you know you're making positive changes in the way you do money. The benefits of these small changes stack in your favour to create massive transformation.

>> Clear Financial Goals

Did you know, only 1% of people have clear meaningful goals that they've written down and they review regularly? These are the people who make a difference in the world. These are the self-made wealthy women. 

>> Calm

When you're in financial stress, your IQ drops by almost half. Learning how to think clearly and calmly about money means you can be responsive rather than reactive and therefore make better, faster, and more certain decisions. 

>> A Tool Box

Next time you're feeling 'stuck' on the money front, you'll have tools you can use to pull yourself out of your funk. Money is 80% mindset and only 20% mechanics. If you believe you're bad at money, you will be! It's a self fulfilling prophecy. So, start taking care of your mindset.

What clients are saying about Julia's work

I'm so glad to have worked with Julia, she's changed the way I look at money forever and I highly recommend her. My business is making money and growing. 

- Stephanie Lessard, Interior Designer


I'm so grateful that my fiancé Caroline and I took your program. We are on track financially to fulfil our life plan and this would have never happened without your powerful education and reprogramming of our beliefs about money.

- Dimitri Douchin, Blue Mountains Stargazing


Julia has a unique way of helping people awaken their financial success. Her Money is My Lover program integrates a range of tools, techniques and self-exploration strategies; that not only dissolve your financial fears and limitations; they empower you with a whole new way of developing a healthy long-term relationship with the wealth you are worthy of.

- Sonia Bestulic, Author


What’s Inside The Money Shift


Daily Sessions

Julia will provide you will daily motivation, inspiration tips and tools to amplify your financial abundance and help you get control of your money so that you can stop drifting and start doing. They'll be short, sharp, activating sessions, designed for maximum ease and mind-opening success. 

The Biggest Secret

Money is emotional - especially when it comes to money. Making money and building wealth is not just about what you know, it's about what you believe is possible for you. If financial success was only based on knowledge, librarians would be billionaires! But they're not. The most successful people in the world have an abundance mindset practice. Now you will too. 

The Process

Join Julia for 21 Days in this self paced course designed to kick start your money habits and belief systems. We'll use time-friendly:

>> Visualisations 

>> Journaling 

>> Action tasks 

>> Exercises 

When you enrol for this daily event delivery, you’ll get:


The Money Shift (embed your new money story)


>> 21 Consecutive Days of Video Sessions with Julia

It takes 21 days to create a new habit and Julia is just the person to guide you on this!

As an experienced finance professional and former advisor to the super wealthy, with certified skills in money mindset and Feng shui, Julia is more than qualified to lead you on this topic.  

Julia has also been where you are now - it's why she started Love Luck Wealth! There's more to money than just numbers; it's emotional and energetic too. 


>> Q & A with Julia

Complete the sessions in your own time with access to Julia and the community via our closed private platform on the Love Luck Wealth website. Share as little or as much as you like.  


>> Connect with Like Minded People 

We learn from each other. Sharing your wins and struggles lets the light in for financial healing and celebration. Being honest and authentic with your financial experiences, in a safe space, allows true transformational healing to begin. It's powerful. 


>> Your Abundance Mindset Tool Box

We all have down days. Next time yours comes, you'll have my proven set of tools to help you through faster so that you're back on track and growing your abundance wealth vibe consistently. 

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Stay on Track


Bonus 1

How to Take Back Control of Your Finances Masterclass

Yours to keep! Make it part of your bi-annual goal setting to ensure you're always one step ahead and on path to your financial goals. 

($99 Value)

What You’ll Get:

My proven technique to shift your mind so that you can spot opportunities to grow your wealth and learn from past money mistakes and successes.  

>> Inspiring workbook

>> Masterclass Video 

>> Masterclass transcript 

Bonus 2


A collection of visualisations to activate your financial abundance and open your mind to prosperity. Yours to keep! ($27 Value)

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol today:

The Money Shift

>> Shifting into financial attraction mode - Priceless!

>> 21 consecutive days of sessions + Q & A with Julia - $1,690 Value

>> Abundance Activation Visualisations - $27 Value

>> Your financial abundance tool kit - $299 Value

>> Bonus Goal Setting Masterclass - $99

Total Value: $2,115

When you add it all up, that’s a value of over $2,000

But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



My Promise to You

I want you to feel safe knowing that this course is right for you and that it will add value to your financial abilities. My hope is that you will love this program as much as I do and all of the women who have taken my programs before you, although, if you don't feel it's right for you within the first 5 days, I'm happy to refund you.

Within these first 5 days, you will have completed your homework and will have make an authentic attempt to immerse yourself in the program. If you're not already starting to see that there are new possibilities for you on the money front, then hey, I get it. Maybe this is not for you after all. But keep in mind that anytime you want a change to occur your life, it will require you to step up and try something different - even if it feels un-natural at first. 

If you would like to activate this genuine heart-felt guarantee, simply email my team at [email protected] by the end of day five of the commencement of your formal access to the program with evidence of your participation. This guarantee expires within 30 days from the date of purchase. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What our most successful students asked before joining The Mindset Shift

Enrol in The Money Shift Today

2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Still thinking about it?


The Money Shift is PERFECT for you if…  

  1. You know you can (and should) do money better but you don't know how. 
  2. You're ready to get in the driver's seat and take control of your financial destiny instead of being a passenger. No more drifting for you!
  3. You're making good money but you're struggling to break that income ceiling between you and the next level of income.
  4. You're starting again financially, or newly separated from your partner, and you're looking for a financial confidence boost. It's been a while since you've had to manage your own money or wealth. 
  5. You're aware that your relationship with money has room to improve. And, you've decided to do something about it!
  6. You're ready to create new, empowering money habits that will last you a lifetime. 

Hi, I'm Julia.

I'm a Chartered Accountant and former Financial Advisor certified in Money Mindset and Feng Shui and I cannot wait for you to join me!

The Money Shift is a breakthrough course designed for fast results.

This course came to me in meditation. It's a streamlined-hybrid version of my signature program Money is My Lover; unique in its own way. I wanted to make it as easy and fast as possible for you to receive financial results and really FEEL a positive change in the way you relate to money; the way you think about it and what you believe is possible of you. 

You have innate financial brilliance within you it's just that it's been repressed by the limiting beliefs you've learned along the way. You are allowed to be wealthy and it's totally possible for you to break through your earnings ceiling. The first step is to become aware that it's you that's been limiting yourself. You've had the power all along, it's just that no one taught you how to use it.

This is a risk free opportunity to do something about your relationship with money and set yourself up for a prosperous life. I look forward to meeting you inside the program.  


Enrol in The Money Shift Today

2 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of
